We think of conflicts as happening "over there" where "those people" live not realizing that its everywhere. Don't misunderstand, I am not a naysayer, not a gloom and doom prognostictor, neither am I a hero nor am I a villian. I'm just that guy that will tell you what he feels and truth of things. (at least as I see it.)
What I feel is a sense of urgency in our lives. As if some mystic sixth sense is telling us collectively as a infestation of this planet to "hurry, shit is coming." You better get what you can get and enjoy what you can enjoy because somethin' ain't right. That sense of urgency, whatever it is caused by, has us . . . what's the word . . .scurrying around mostly for crumbs. That's what tells a brother to go in back yard of a not so run down neighborhood and throw up his hands with a Go-rilla. I'd be scared of that cat with a gun. Imagine that: "BANG, BANG!!" A cold distant voice replies, "Nigga that's all you got!" Anyway, that's life for some of us, literally getting my eye put out for a piece of the money that my "guys" are going to get the most of. Damn, a veritable cornicopiea of hoodness. But guess what, its happening all over the country. Those could have been two white boyz ( I know a few and believe you me, some of these white boyz can bump, remember, this ain't prize fighting where there are rules. I can beat your ass into a coma and you just lost the fight. People are doing this shit to feed their kids all over Amerikkka) AIDS is an epidemic but not being poor is pretty good insulator from dying because of lack of good medical care. Where you at Gates, Buffington, Allen, etc.?) This could also have been two Asians, two Native Americans, two Hispanics. Poverty is the great equalizer. A poor white guy suffers probably less than a black guy but he also suffers in a different way. That's what we need to tackle. There is no logical reason why a country that can spend billions to fight an unpopular war in a country 5000 miles away cannot find money to provide even the most basic universal health care for all its citizens.
That's where I came from Ladies and Gentlemen. A world that few of you could possibly understand. A world that affects your outlook on life as well as your response to that life. I believe that life is both external as well as internal. You live your life but life around you forces you to respond to it. Litmus test:: how you respond to a life or death situation. Fight or Flight. My position is that a person never knows what they will do until they are presented with the situation where their decision may affect their life as well as the lives of those they love. I say that we have become as a loose gathering of conflicting interests much more selfish and violent. Where we use to avoid danger, we now respond to it with such overwhelming force. A man crawls through your window, you hear it, you turn on the lights and its Boo Boo the crackhead, Ms. Lucy's son. Who kills him even though Boo Boo is soft as doctor's cotton? I say 80 to 85 percent of us kill him. Hey, he shouldn't have been in my house. I'm with it. I kill him too. Principle of the thing. We'll have a thousand reasons why and very few reasons why not. We have become a nation of people who support politicians who pass laws that give police officers the right to kill a fleeing felon for shoplifting. Boo Boo didn't have a gun and was shot in the back running away. His ass shouldn't have been stealing. His theft makes my prices higher. He may get high on drugs one day and rape and kill my great-grandmother (which ironically has become much more common these days but STILL not nearly as numerous as us over the years getting executed by law enforcement agencies.) Again, don't misunderstand. I love the police, I call them so they can kill Boo Boo, that way my ass stays out of jail. No one reading this blog knows better than me why we need prisons. One day I'll tell you how I know.
That's it for now. I must go and destroy my old ass eardrums with truly loud music. Peace, hit me back with thoughts about that piece. (the poem, for you Denise Hayes because that may be a reference that you're not "hep" to. Peace to the DFR in Seven Nina (G.I. or Gary, Indiana) to all over like 30 years old. Hit the blog up, any ideas?