Saturday, May 30, 2015

Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem

Time for a rant. Ever since Mike Brown was murdered in Ferguson, Missouri I have read post after post, blog after blog and comment after comment about what we should or shouldn't do in response. I have heard from those that suggest we march, that we pray, that we boycott businesses, that we riot, that we shoot police officers indiscriminately (WRONG ANSWER), that we call in Al or Jesse or the BPP. I have read and signed petitions for President Obama to establish a Federal agency/law designed to take the investigation of police on citizen shootings out of the hands of local police for obvious reasons.

Some of these ideas I agree with, some I think are at best useless and worse counterproductive. I do not, for example, advocate violence of any type directed towards law enforcement except in lawful self-defense or the defense of a loved one. I do not advocate asking a fool to fly into our communities on a private jet to be the “voice” or “face” of the demonstrations. I do not advocate that we gather around white police commanders to “voice” our concerns and listen to self-serving platitudes entreating us to “let the process work” or “be calm in the midst of turmoil.” You know the statements, we've all heard them before. I'm at that point where I'm almost tired of hearing the family members of those who have been wronged saying “we don't need violence, we need peace.” I just want for one time, just one time an aggrieved mother or a grief stricken father to say with conviction and force “tear this bitch up, they didn't give a fuck about my child, I don't give a fuck about they shit.” But that's my revolutionary wet dream. Plus, we are not ready for movements of that type or magnitude. We are too fragmented, although with the advent of social media we are moving in that direction.

What I am especially tired of, downright weary to the point of exasperation, is US, many of who “claim” to be conscious doing the job of the dominant culture. What you are seeing in the coverage of what I term “our issues” is the deflection tool of propaganda. For example, our issue is murder of unarmed black men by law enforcement. (Luckily we have a few on video, this also speaks to the THOUSANDS that have happened without video who we have never heard of because the officer's version of events are taken to be true without question) We must not let the conversation diverge into an argument about black on black crime. It is immaterial to discuss Ray Ray and Man Man when the question is what law enforcement is doing in our communities. See to the truly conscious, not the pretender, we know that crime across the board is DOWN in our communities. Take for example Chicago, it is undoubtedly, undeniably, absolutely true that violent crime and shootings are tragic and unnecessary. Even one brother killed by another brother is too many. What the powers that be WON'T tell you is that compared to this same month 10 years ago, 20 years ago, crime is half of what it was in some cases a third of what it once was. They will have you believe that it is due to their efforts, that because of “boots on the ground” we have stemmed the tide of violent crime. In fact, what has happened is, again largely due to social media, we have began to wake up. Its slow, but social change is NEVER overnight. We are beginning to value the very thing that outsiders will say that we don't value. There are groups that are out in the community every night talking to these brothers and sisters, assisting these brothers and sisters but you don't hear about them because its not sexy enough for mainstream media. Unfortunately we have brothers making YouTube rants assisting the dominant culture with their message that there is something wrong with you niggas. Why do you burn up your own shit? Simple answer, its not our shit. It belongs to Indians, Asians and white people. Why do you loot, because that's part of the demonstration, that comes with it. I think back to Katrina and how news organizations showed pictures of blacks taking things from stores, “look at the looting taking place.” Same storm, pictures of white people doing the same thing “look at the desperate attempts of the citizens to live through this harrowing time.” Wait, let me go look in the mirror, I'm back, I had to check and see if I really gave a fuck about what white people think of civil demonstration. What the lumpen proletariat has to figure out is the reason why ever single time we have brothers and sisters murdered the conversation MUST turn to black on black crime and why the decrease in crime is almost never covered by mainstream media. It gets down to economics. Can anyone tell me why the Ferguson and County Police Departments have Bearcats, military grade assault rifles, drones, combat helicopters and armored personnel carriers? Ferguson has a population of 21 grand give or take, 60 to 65% are US. How many murders this year? ZIP, ZILCH, ZERO. So what do you have a tank for? What are you preparing for? You know these items are needed, but the money is there due to the demonizing of black men. In comes the same companies that sell arms all over the world to sell Barney Fife hand grenades and .50 sniper rifles. This madness has gotten to the point that even veterans, WHITE VETERANS, are saying “damn, we didn't roll that heavy in Iraq.”

So yes, you feel better after your rant, but what you have become is the unwitting pawn in the status quo's battle for the hearts and minds of white America. Look these niggas are animals, we need to put down this insurrection before it spreads. We militarize our police to keep you safe from them who want your stuff without working for it. We all know the usual slurs and slanders that we have to endure, whether we gainfully working or not. Since you guys think your position with the social order is so safe, next time you with your white friends, bring up the subject of race or white supremacy. What the events in Ferguson do is keep this issue on the front pages, since the funeral of Eric Garner, what have you heard about what is happening in his case from the mainstream media? What about Trayvon Martin. What I will say is this, every night there is chaos on the streets of Ferguson, the media is there. What we need to do instead of telling people to stop what they are doing is do something concrete yourself. If you do not live in Ferguson or are related to the victims of any of these state sanctioned murders, you have no right to tell someone else how they are to express their rage, their grief or their exasperation. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.

Drops mic, walks from stage drippin blackness!

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